Belfry Collection 乃功能實用與時尚大氣兼備的選擇,無論是高端場合或是郊野戶外均可盡展所長。腕錶置有24小時指示盤和晝夜顯示,以及亮澤的時標刻度,流光溢彩,令人神往。每枚時計彷彿矗立著一幢極具美學結構的鐘塔,配上充滿視覺震撼和精緻唯美的夜光設計,呈現一抹華美之韻味。華麗眩目的設計配備小牛皮皮帶的多種色澤配襯:可選黑色、棕色或粉色,為整體設計添光增彩。
- 41mm 直徑& 20mm 錶帶
- 錶殼厚度 13.5mm
- LOBOR獨家改裝日本製機械機芯,配合24小時指示盤和晝夜顯示
- 礦物玻璃
- 316L 不鏽鋼錶殼
- 真皮錶帶 (快速拆卸功能)
- 3ATM 生活防水
- 2年國際保固服務
We offer free shipping on all U.S. + international orders over $100. For domestic (US) orders with standard shipping, you can expect to receive your parcel within 6-9 days while express shipping is 3-5 days when it is dispatched from the warehouse. For the international orders, it may take 2-12 days depending on the destination. Click here for more information.
We accept American Express, MasterCard, Visa & PayPal. All available payment options for each country are displayed at the checkout.